
The Whole World


IEA has over 150 active members around the world, including many scientists.



(c) IEA is a non profit membership organization founded in 2008 and dedicated to the public engagement in scientific research and education 
of Equisetum Biology (Equisetology).


(c) All rights reserved, IEA, 2008 - 2024
Rockville, MD, US; Przemysl, PL, EU; Miami, FL, US
Administrators : Beth Zawada, Steven Talbott



" IEA Promotes Research and Teaching
of Taxonomy, Systematics and Phylogeny
of Equisetum ( Horsetail ) "


The IEA is a non-profit scientific association which has as its aim the promotion of the developmental
study of Equisetum Biology ( Equisetology ). The aim of the IEA is to integrate enthusiasts and scientists working in Equisetum,
create a representation of the association and to popularize equisetological knowledge. The IEA acts as a platform for discussion
and cooperation of all enthusiasts and biologists using Equisetum as the objects of their experiments, pure and applied.



IEA is part of an international research cluster based in the USA
International Research Botany Group - International Botany Project
Non Profit Research Institute - Research Service - Botanical Team
